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Diamonds are  one of the world's most precious and beautiful gemstones. Natural diamonds are made of 100% carbon. The creation of a natural diamond requires certain conditions to occur within the earth’s mantle. The earth's mantle temperatures can rise to 2,000 degrees fahrenheit and the pressure can elevate to 725,00 per square inch.  When these conditions are met, graphite is modified on an atomic level causing them to reform into a pure carbon gem, better known as a diamond.
Diamonds are transported to surface levels by volcanic pipes from the earth’s mantle. Once diamonds are brought to surface levels, they are mined. The methods of mining diamonds are pipe mining, marine mining and alluvial mining.
Pipe mining is done in two different methods: open pit mining and underground mining.
Deep sea mining uses two different methods: continuous line bucket system and hydraulic suction system.
Alluvial mining is the process of collecting diamonds from the gravel layer of streams/rivers and on the ocean shore. This gravel layer is normally made up of mud , clay and underwater plant life. Companies normally build a wall to collect large amounts of gravel to be collected and then processed to find diamonds.
5 Stages of recovering diamonds from ore
Each diamond is unique and special in its own way , no two diamonds are the same. Each diamond has different factors that contribute to its value. The GIA ( have a link to it ) was established in 1931 and gave us a global standard to value diamonds. The way GIA values diamonds is by the following : Color , Clarity , Cut and Carat , also known as the 4Cs. Having this grading system in place meant that customers could know the quality of diamond they were purchasing and also the global market would have a universal way to establish value to diamonds.
